We believe the success of our operations depends upon the health and safety of our people. To this end, our HSE policies are focused on creating and monitoring a clean, safe and healthy environment for our employees, contractors, and the local communities.
We keep our equipment efficient and up-to-date and maintain the highest ergonomic standards in our onshore and offshore work sites. Through continual risk analysis and research into new technologies, we are able to identify and eliminate any hazards that are likely to endanger our workforce or the environment around us.
Due to our stringent HSE measures, our LTI Frequency had been brought down to zero to achieve our “Goal Zero” target Measures taken to address reported non-compliances resulted in decreased trend in TRCF over the years.

*LTIF = No. of LTIs x 1000000 / No. of man-hours Worked

*TRCF = No. of Total Recordable Cases x 1000000/ No. of manhours worked